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Image by Christin Hume


Updated: Dec 3, 2022

We are a club for those who are interested in playing and making games. We provide the opportunity for our members to meet and play games together on our Discord server and face-to-face events. We enable our members to get to know people outside of our club, thanks to our parties and activities that are contracted with other clubs of our university.

We talk to people from the sector and organize seminars and trainings. We support our members who are looking for a team to make or play games, to get to know new people. We bring designers together with software developers, and software developers with designers. By making GameJams, we try to ensure that our members both try themselves and have a good time in the process. We encourage our members who want to make games but do not know about it yet, to join these GamJams, which we know will contribute a lot to them.

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